The weather experiment that really flooded Dubai


Cloud seeding was blamed as the United Arab Emirates struggled after the heaviest recorded rainfall ever hit a desert nation. The weather experiment really flooded Dubai, but meteorologists warn that ‘weather wars’ could become a reality after the chaos that Dubai endured afterwards. 


The weather experiment that really flooded Dubai

Jack Marley, The Conversation

A reckless experiment in Earth’s atmosphere caused a desert metropolis to flood.

That was the story last week when more than a year’s worth of rain fell in a day on the Arabian Peninsula, one of the world’s driest regions. Desert cities like Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) suffered floods that submerged motorways and airport runways. Across UAE and Oman, 21 people lost their lives.

The heavy rain of Tuesday April 16 was initially blamed on “cloud seeding”: a method of stimulating precipitation by injecting clouds with tiny particles that moisture can attach to – those droplets then merge and multiply. As the waters receded, however, a more disturbing explanation emerged.

Richard Washington, a professor of climate science at the University of Oxford, has seen the inside of a storm. To confirm if cloud seeding really could breed record-breaking rain, he once boarded an aeroplane bound for a thundercloud over the South Africa-Mozambique border.

“Our mission was to fly through the most active part of the storm, measure it, fly through again while dumping a bin load of dry ice, turn hard and fly through for a final measurement,” he says.

“Apart from the fun of flying through the core of a thunderstorm in a Learjet, I didn’t think much about the time I was lucky enough to be part of that project. Until I heard about the recent freak storm in Dubai.”

What caused the flood?

There are no two identical clouds with which to compare the outcome of seeding, Washington says, so it’s impossible to prove if this technique can change the outcome of a single storm. But by flying a lot of missions, half with cloud seeding and half without, and measuring rainfall between the two, meteorologists eventually showed that cloud seeding did modify rain rates in some storms.

That’s not what caused Dubai’s floods though.

The weather experiment that really flooded Dubai

A cumulonimbus cloud. Cloud seeding works – but not that well. Fanw/Shutterstock

“It turns out the UAE has been running a cloud seeding project, UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science, for several years. Their approach is to fire hygroscopic (water-attracting) salt flares from aircraft into warm cumuliform clouds,” Washington says.

“So could seeding have built a huge storm system the size of France? Let’s be clear, that would be like a breeze stopping an intercity train going at full tilt. And the seeding flights had not happened that day either. The kind of deep, large-scale clouds formed on April 16 are not the target of the experiment.”

For Washington, the more relevant atmospheric experiment is the one each of us is engaged in everyday.

“The interesting thing is that humans have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that 2,400 gigatonnes of carbon (our total emissions since pre-industrial times) might make a difference to the climate, but very readily get behind the idea of a few hygroscopic flares making 18 months worth of rain fall in a day.”

The experiment of our lives

A hotter atmosphere holds more moisture, which can fall as rain. Although last week’s deluge was unusual, the Arabian Peninsula does tend to receive more of its precipitation in heavy bursts than steady showers.

The latest assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) did not predict future rainfall trends for the region but did say global heating is expected to make such violent downpours more frequent and severe.

What is likely to kill more people as temperatures rise in this part of the world is not water, but heat. Tom Matthews (Loughborough University) and Colin Raymond (California Institute of Technology) are scientists who study the shifting climate and its effect on our bodies.

Throughout human evolution, the wet-bulb temperature (how hot it is when you subtract the cooling effect of evaporating moisture, like sweat on your skin) has rarely, if ever, strayed beyond 35°C. At this threshold the air is so hot and humid that you cannot lower your temperature to a safe level by sweating. You overheat and, without urgent medical aid, die.

“The frequency of punishing wet-bulb temperatures has more than doubled worldwide since 1979, and in some of the hottest and most humid places on Earth, like the coastal United Arab Emirates, wet-bulb temperatures have already flickered past 35°C,” Matthews and Raymond say.

A thermometer transposed on a satellite image of the Arabian Peninsula. Extremet will threaten lives in the Arabian Peninsula within the near future. Aappp/Shutterstock

“The climate envelope is pushing into territory where our physiology cannot follow.”

Alarmed by how fast we are making the climate unlivable, some scientists have called for emergency measures. Peter Irvine, a lecturer in earth sciences at UCL, proposes dimming the sun by pumping microscopic particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect some of its rays.

Trying to mimic the cooling effect of a volcanic eruption but on a permanent basis (until, presumably, greenhouse gas concentrations can be returned to safe levels) is another gamble with the atmosphere. These layers of gases that surround our planet have nurtured life by keeping temperatures stable and harmful radiation out.

Irvine acknowledges that keeping Earth artificially cool this way is risky, but argues the side effects – like altered wind and rainfall patterns, acid rain and delayed ozone layer recovery – “pale in comparison to the impacts of climate change”.

Catriona McKinnon, a professor of political theory at the University of Reading, has other concerns about attempting to manage solar radiation this way, including the question of who has the right to regulate the global thermostat.

As humanity contemplates another large-scale experiment in our atmosphere, there is another, even bigger one waiting to be resolved. Its solution is simple: stop burning fossil fuels.

Jack Marley, Environment + Energy Editor, The Conversation

This roundup of The Conversation’s climate coverage comes from our weekly climate action newsletter. Every Wednesday, The Conversation’s environment editor writes Imagine, a short email that goes a little deeper into just one climate issue. Join the 30,000+ readers who’ve subscribed.



This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.




Building An Intelligent Drainage System to Prevent Urban Flooding


OMRON is Building An Intelligent Drainage System to prevent urban flooding worldwide; regions prone to frequent typhoons and heavy rainfall experience heightened flood risks. Even Dubai’s freak rain, whether through cloud seeding or otherwise, could be of some interest 

Building An Intelligent Drainage System to Prevent Urban Flooding

24 April 2024

In recent years, the escalation of extreme weather phenomena worldwide, fueled by ongoing global warming, has exacerbated climate disasters such as flooding.

Across the world, regions prone to frequent typhoons and heavy rainfall experience heightened flood risks. Many cities struggle to cope with sudden heavy precipitation due to deficiencies in their drainage infrastructure, resulting in problems such as waterlogged streets and flooded subway stations. Residents suffer from many inconveniences, including risks of property damage and injuries.

As a global leader in the field of automation, OMRON has long been committed to creating”innovation driven by social needs” through automation to empower people. In response to the pressing issue of urban flooding, OMRON is actively exploring innovative solutions to preserve the ecological balance of the earth and promote sustainable development of society.


Navigating the Urgency of Urban Drainage

According to recent statistics, flooding has affected 52.789 million people in China throughout the year, resulting in direct economic losses totaling 244.57 billion RMB.

In order to mitigate flooding impacts, the Chinese authorities advocate for accelerating the establishment of a comprehensive urban drainage and flood prevention system that emphasizes ‘source reduction, pipeline discharge, integrated storage and drainage, as well as emergency response protocols.’

Leveraging its three-decade presence in China, OMRON aims to contribute to flood prevention in Chinese cities by establishing a comprehensive intelligent urban drainage system, drawing upon its expertise in the field of automation.


Exploring the Causes of Waterlogging

To address the drainage and flood prevention challenges in City H, OMRON made collaborative efforts with relevant departments to ensure alignment on the construction of an effective drainage system.

OMRON started with the tunnel industry based on its mature business operation and technical expertise in the field. Through extensive technical discussions and consultations with design institutes, owners, and partners, OMRON identified the urgent need to prevent and reduce urban tunnel flooding through enhancing the intelligentization and digitalization of urban tunnels and supporting drainage pumping stations.


Creating ‘Tools’ to Strengthen Integration

During the construction, OMRON conducted in-depth research to achieve data sharing, early scientific warning, and integrated multi-party management of the intelligent drainage system.

“However, in China, there are limited proven cases of urban intelligent drainage systems.” As the head of the Smart City Division, Zhu Liuqiao was under pressure. “Our team not only had to fully communicate with multiple stakeholders, but also encountered technical challenges such as solution formulation, software development, and hardware development.”

Zhu Liuqiao continued, “But we were not discouraged. Everyone brimmed with confidence and responded actively. Leveraging our expertise in presenting professional proposals and rich experiences in project innovation, we facilitated multiple discussions with stakeholders and reached a consensus on the approach to resolving the issues.” The primary challenges in software design stem from the large number of devices and the absence of standardized interface protocols in intelligent drainage systems. “We engaged in extensive discussions and repeated technical testing with partners to ensure the stability, reliability, and security of the intelligent drainage system.” In terms of hardware, the team supplemented third-party system hardware, established selection principles, and conducted multidimensional evaluations of system requirements, finally enabling the successful development of the urban intelligent drainage system. “Now, all our efforts have paid off, and everyone is filled with excitement!”

During the implementation of the intelligent drainage system, OMRON fully leveraged its strengths in sensing, control, AI, and other technologies, offering core technical support for the urban tunnel management platform through data services and value creation. To mitigate and prevent future disasters in City H, OMRON has implemented the following measures to tackle the existing challenges of low integration and decentralized management in the drainage system:

  • Platform scheduling and remote coordination allows the intelligent management of the drainage system, enabling real-time monitoring of drainage facilities and timely response to problem-solving, thereby improving overall efficiency.
  • Through measures such as energy conservation, emission reduction, optimization of resource allocation, OMRON has achieved a 30% reduction in operating costs, resulting in improvements in economic efficiency and environmental protection.
  • Automated management of 51 drainage pumping stations in City H has been accomplished through the utilization of automation control and remote monitoring technology, thus optimizing human resources while improving operation efficiency and management standards.
  • A comprehensive monitoring and warning system provides full-scale supervision of the urban drainage network, promptly detecting and alerting potential risks and hazards to safeguard the safety of residents and their property.
Intelligent Drainage Management Platform Built by OMRON


Ushering in the Era of Smart Cities

The project aims for City H to become ‘intelligent’, ‘green’, ‘efficient’, and ‘safe’, promoting a more scientific approach to urban flooding prevention management while greatly reducing operational costs. Intelligent management systems have been implemented in urban tunnels and drainage pumping stations alongside continuous early warning monitoring to enable precise flood prevention measures. By utilizing OMRON’s technology and scientific early warning, Cities like City H have successfully transitioned from automated management to intelligent and digital management in urban infrastructure construction to achieve efficient flood prevention.

Urban Tunnel Drainage

Reflecting on the successful application of OMRON’s Intelligent Urban Drainage Solution in City H, Zhu Liuqiao, head of the Smart City Division, commented, ‘OMRON is committed to helping cities achieve intelligent and sustainable drainage management through innovative technologies and comprehensive solutions. We strive to not only address current challenges but also lay the groundwork for future urban development. We hope that our efforts in effectively addressing challenges such as climate change and environmental protection will make our city a better place to live.’

The development of intelligent urban drainage system is an ongoing journey that requires continuous exploration and innovation. In the future, OMRON is dedicated to implementing its new long-term vision ‘Shaping the Future 2030’ and adhering to its corporate philosophy of ‘Contributing to a Better Society’. OMRON will continue to optimize intelligent urban drainage solutions and applications, promote sustainable development of cities, and improve people’s lives.

An even more useful Earth Day?


Published in most francophone media, here is An even more useful Earth Day? by Michel Gourd. For all intents and purposes, , but as elaborated here, it covers all aspects of life for everyone all around the earth.

As Published by Sam Pattisapu on Earth Day 2024 is an annual commemoration that was conceived and launched in 1970 by Democratic U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin and Republican U.S. Representative Pete McCloskey of California. The website provides a powerful reminder of the similarities between the two times and the differences in the environmental challenges faced by the present generation. 


SENE NEWS Par El Malick Faye

22 April 2024


Although it already shows that the world’s population is ready to take action to improve the planet, Earth Day could spark more positive actions to reduce environmental debt and the use of fossil fuels, COP29’s blind spot.

Globally, April 22 marks Earth Day. First held in 1970, it has become a symbol of awareness of the environmental challenges facing our planet on a global scale. It’s a powerful tool for the environment. Around one billion people from 190 countries are taking part this year under the theme of sustainable mobility and environmentally responsible travel. These gestures of responsible citizens who take local action can also be seen with the urgency of protecting the Earth that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pleaded for in July 2023, “The era of global warming is over; make way for the era of global boiling” he said at the time.

Overshoot Day

Each of us is part of a collective that consumes a little more each year than the Earth can produce. The day of the exceedance of the renewable resources produced by our planet calculated by the “Global Footprint Network” from three million statistical data collected from 200 countries was December 31 in, 1986, October 9 in, 2006, August 3 in, 2016 and August 2 in, 2023. This date varies greatly from country to country. If it arrives as soon as February 11 for Qatar in 2024, it is November 24 in Ecuador and Indonesia but does not exceed June 3 for Western countries.

We are currently consuming more than 1.7 times the available renewable resources and, therefore, the environmental capital that will be missing for future generations. Overshoot Day is one of the best symbols of human overconsumption and the need to reduce it to protect the Earth’s ecosystems. It can no longer sustainably support our production and consumption patterns. Therefore, we must collectively have the intelligence to reduce our lifestyle and adapt it to the maximum budget our planet gives us.

COP29 and Earth

Climate finance will be at the heart of COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Its chairman, Mukhtar Babayev, who is the host country’s Minister of Natural Resources, has so far responded little to the concerns of the protectors of the Earth. Instead, since the beginning of the year, it has been posting meetings with banks, countries and investment tools to secure the financial side of the event. His country has officially announced that it will increase its natural gas production by 35% by 2034. It thus abandons, as did the leaders of COP28, a major recommendation of the IPCC, namely that not all new fossil fuel discoveries should be developed.

2024 was the hottest year on record on the planet. The lack of interest in limiting the use of fossil fuels over the past 40 years is already producing extreme heat waves, leading to diseases such as cholera, malnutrition, habitat destruction, deteriorating living conditions, social inequalities, forced migration, and wars. Any citizen involvement in reducing the use of fossil fuels can only be positive.

An Earth Day that lasts all year round?

According to the latest annual United in Science 2021 climate report by UN scientists, climate change and its consequences are getting worse. Antonio Guterres said, “We really don’t have any more time to lose.”

In the face of self-serving inertia on the part of many large corporations and governments, the concrete citizen action promoted by Earth Day could be a voice for action. Citizens who want to take action to protect the planet can take millions of small, concrete actions that meet their daily needs and aspirations while respecting their environment, whether economic, social or physical, in the long term.

Thinking before you buy or destroy the environment is becoming more and more important. Reducing consumption is also compatible with happiness. According to Amélie Côté, a source reduction analyst at Équiterre, reducing work hours is not necessarily a deprivation since it allows you to have more time with your family and friends and often only requires you to be more sober in your consumption choices.

“Time is a very precious commodity.” Spending time working to buy things that don’t make you happier is not an optimal way to live. Living more responsibly for the environment, as Earth Day does, requires respecting our planet’s resources and boundaries.






Don’t blame Dubai’s freak rain on cloud seeding


Image above is for illustration – credit Esquire‘s What happens when it rains in Dubai?


Don’t blame Dubai’s freak rain on cloud seeding – the storm was far too big to be human-made

Richard Washington, University of Oxford

Some years ago, I found myself making my way up the narrow stairs of a Learjet on a sultry runway in a deserted airport near the South Africa-Mozambique border. The humidity was there to taste – the air thick with it.

The weather radar was showing a fast-developing thundercloud. Our mission was to fly through the most active part of the storm, measure it, fly through again while dumping a bin load of dry ice, turn hard and fly through for a final measurement.

The inside of the Learjet resembled a food blender, so severe was the turbulence. Thousands of meters below, a smaller plane would be threading through the storm downdrafts measuring the rain. It isn’t something you do every day although the saucer-sized hail dents on the wings of the Learjet told of its many prior engagements.

Apart from the fun of flying through the core of a thunderstorm in a Learjet, I didn’t think much about the time I was lucky enough to be part of that project. Until I heard about the recent freak storm in Dubai.

The project I was part of, neatly named Rain (Rain Augmentation in Nelspruit), was a cloud seeding experiment several years in the making. Cloud seeding involves adding tiny particles into a cloud in order to give moisture something to attach to and form droplets. Gradually those droplets merge and become heavy enough to fall as rain. In theory, the “seeeded” clouds will grow more droplets suitable for rain.

No one flight is proof of seeding having been effective. It can’t be. There is no identical cloud with which to compare the outcome of having seeded a particular cloud. It is therefore necessary to fly a lot of missions and to measure, but not seed, half of them thereby creating a data set for the experiment itself (seeded clouds) and the control (unseeded clouds).

Statistical analysis of the results from Rain was rigorous to say the least. After several years of trying, modification of rain rates from some storms was successful, although it would never be possible to prove that any one storm had been changed.

A perfect storm

Early on Tuesday morning, April 16, the chat network of my school class which is replete with global insights after 40 years of dispersion, lit up with reports of unprecedented rain from Brendan in Bahrain and Ant in Dubai. Ant is a pilot and was flying out of Dubai that morning. He duly relayed photographs of his flight over the saturated desert.

Clouds above Saudi Arabia’s ‘Empty Quarter’ desert, April 16. The big vertical cloud is a cumulonimbus (thundercloud) near the edge of the major storm cluster which is far larger. The outflow from the main storm is the dark stuff at the very top of the photo. Ant McHale

Parts of the Arabian Peninsula received 18 months of rainfall in 24 hours that Tuesday. The airport looked more like a harbour. Being the weather-man in the chat group, I looked at the satellite and the forecast model data. What I saw were the ingredients of a perfect storm.

What normally keeps the old deserts, such as those of the Arabian Peninsula, so very dry is persistent and intense sinking of air – the very opposite of what is required for rain. The sinking air is bone dry, having come from the cold, top of the atmosphere, and is compressed and warmed as it descends. It arrives near the surface like a hairdryer.

Below this layer, especially in deserts close to warm oceans, evaporation is plentiful. But that humidity is kept captive by the sinking air above. It is a cauldron with the lid firmly on.

What took that lid off the cauldron on 16 April was a high-altitude jet stream unusually far south. In fact two jet streams, the subtropical jet and the polar jet that had joined forces and left behind a cut-off circulation of imported, cooler air. The sinking air, along with the cauldron lid, was gone.

Meanwhile a feed of moisture laden air was accelerating in from the northern tropical Indian Ocean and converging over the desert. Dew point temperatures over the UAE were similar to those normally found in the rainforests of the Congo basin.

Under these conditions, thunderstorms develop very readily and in this case a special kind of storm, a mesoscale convective system, built and sustained itself for many hours. Infrared satellite data showed it to be about the size of France.

Cloud seeding not to blame

The power, intensity and organisation of a storm like this is hard to fathom. What surprised me, though, was not the majesty of nature, but an emerging set of reports blaming the ensuing rains on cloud seeding. One broadsheet even insinuated the University of Reading, a powerhouse of meteorological expertise, was responsible.

It turns out the UAE has been running a cloud seeding project, UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science, for several years. Their approach is to fire hygroscopic (water-attracting) salt flares from aircraft into warm cumuliform clouds. The idea, similar to the Rain project I once worked on, is to promote the growth of cloud droplets and thereby rainfall. Bigger droplets fall out more easily.

So could seeding have built a huge storm system the size of France? Let’s be clear, that would be like a breeze stopping an intercity train going at full tilt. And the seeding flights had not happened that day either. The kind of deep, large-scale clouds formed on April 16 are not the target of the experiment.

The interesting thing is that humans have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that 2,400 gigatonnes of carbon (our total emissions since pre-industrial times) might make a difference to climate, but very readily get behind the idea of a few hygroscopic flares making 18 months worth of rain fall in a day.

Don’t have time to read about climate change as much as you’d like?

Get a weekly roundup in your inbox instead. Every Wednesday, The Conversation’s environment editor writes Imagine, a short email that goes a little deeper into just one climate issue. Join the 30,000+ readers who’ve subscribed so far.

Richard Washington, Professor of Climate Science, University of Oxford

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Revolutionising sustainability using a new triplet


and/or Revolutionising sustainability using a new triplet that is proposed to be made of a system dynamic model as described in this writeup published on Science Direct reiterates the vital need for sustainability in every human endeavour dynamics with “Adaptability, Affordability and Availability” at all times in mind.

The image above is for illustration – Credit:  Science Direct


Revolutionising sustainability using a new triplet: A system dynamic model


  • Complexity of interdisciplinary systems is crucial for a sustainable ecosystem.
  • Interconnections between the sustainability triangle has been comprehensively analysed using a new triplet approach/model.
  • A system dynamic model using 3As (Adaptability, Affordability, Availability) is developed.
  • Each “A” as a system is simulated to determine its impacting inflows and outflows.
  • The developed model serves as a tool for the industries to improve system dynamic complexity.



The theory of sustainability has been analysed and implemented in various sectors to minimise the consumption of limited resources and to consume the fullest potential of existing resources. The triple-bottom concept of sustainability covers all possible interactions within an ecosystem. However, the dynamic nature and interconnectivity of sustainability systems, such as the environmental, economic, and social systems, are quite complex to curb sustainability challenges. The modification in one system may create disturbances in other systems. Based on the existing studies on sustainability, this study explored how these systems can be optimised by analysing the relationship between each side of sustainability triangle by 3As, i.e., Adaptability, Affordability and Availability, to determine their impacting macro and micro flows. The reinforcement can be achieved between social-environment by adaptability, social-economics by affordability and economics-environment by availability. These 3As synergise sustainability systems if inflows and outflows in sustainability systems are optimised. The system dynamic approach was adopted to model and examine all possible 3As’ inflows and outflows comprehensively in urban ecosystems. Micro flows are analysed for the associated macro flows for each factor of triplet. The results suggest that although sustainability systems are complex but not wicked in nature, it is required to focus on macro and micro flows of adaptability, affordability and availability in each system. This study may serve as a source of information for improving and maintaining sustainability in industries, businesses and the policy makers to optimise their existing resources on this comprehensive triplet model.


The concept of sustainable development has been associated with the Brundtland Commission Report (1987) and has since been at the forefront of the UN’s policies towards sustainable development (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). The 17 UN SDGs were developed in 2015 by global leaders as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2018). The focus of these goals was to encompass environmental, economic, and social factors focused on their integrated approach towards sustainable development across the globe.

Arguably the progress towards achieving these goals has been under scrutiny and criticism for not being able to meet the designated targets (Spangenberg, 2016; Kroll et al., 2019). The criticism for not being able to achieve SDGs as designated has been credited to a diverse variety of factors and challenges. These challenges are addressed as Interconnectedness and Complex Nature (Wu et al., 2022), Lack of Resources (McMichael, 2017; Patole, 2018), Marginalisation and Inequality (Carant, 2016; Freistein and Mahlert, 2016) and Global Cooperation (Florini and Pauli, 2018). Therefore, there is a need to establish new paradigms for achieving sustainable development goals and strengthen the interrelationship between the three pillars of sustainability to foster progress towards the achievement of the SDGs in an effective manner. It will empower a robust, resilient, and befitting approach towards accomplishing the targets of the UN SDGs by systematically enhancing the interrelationship between the three pillars of sustainability, i.e., social, economic, and environmental.

It is worthy to understand that the complex and dynamic nature of the factors involved in implicating sustainability needs a better understanding for effectively accomplishing the targets set by the UN SGDs. The role of the System Dynamic Model (SDM) is integral in visually stimulating the complex system of sustainability and provides a better understanding of developing new mechanisms that unanimously contribute towards achieving overall sustainability without hindering the progress of any of the goals (Honti et al., 2019). For the said reasons, the following factors can be utilised through the development of a robust SDM based on their impact on achieving sustainability:

The scenario-testing mechanism and simulating abilities of SDMs are instrumental in analysing and testing different policies and strategies to enhance sustainability (Bastan et al., 2018). The incorporation of the “adaptability” factor in SDMs will provide a systematic understanding of the changing interventions of various factors in the system and their mutual implications on the behaviour of the system. It will be strategically integral in thoroughly identifying potential policies and strategies that can systematically bear unforeseen changes and effectively withstand uncertainties, leading to long-term sustainability.

Affordability is regarded as one of the most prominent aspects of implementing sustainability strategies (Hoover et al., 2020). SDMs can effectively use simulations to identify the economic feasibility of strategies and policy interventions to provide insight to decision-makers for analysing and identifying the financial feasibility of interventions in the system (Mareeh et al., 2022). It will ensure that the strategies or policies are not only focused on sustainability but are also affordable for widespread implementation to seek long-term sustainability.

The availability of adequate services, resources, finances, and opportunities can be pivotal in the overall accomplishment of SDG targets (Shen et al., 2009; Schwerhoff and Sy, 2017). SDMs can simulate the availability aspect of resources across the system and devise relevant strategies or intervention policies to ensure that resources are adequate for long-term sustainability accomplishment (Pallant and Lee, 2017). In this manner, availability can be traced and analysed through the complex nature of SDGs and subsequently, relevant policy frameworks can be developed.

The study by Wang (2023) provides unique perspectives into the complexities of post-disaster environmental consciousness, highlighting the impact of social interactions and regional environmental variables. Furthermore, Zeng et al. (2022) broaden the conversation about sustainability and resilience in urban areas by proposing important indicators that are critical for assessing and managing risk in rapidly urbanised ecosystems.

The literature supports the association of systems’ ecological sustainability with the application of SDM. Vogt and Weber (2019) challenge prevalent misunderstandings about sustainability, notably in seven aspects, i.e., political, economic, socio-economic, cultural, environmental, theological, and democratic domains. The findings further lead to a deeper comprehension and emphasis on the significance of planetary sustainability ethics and indicates the inclusion of a multidimensional understanding and complex nature of sustainability achievement. Furthermore, the study by Nishant et al. (2020) contends that AI’s environmental sustainability promise rests not only on reducing resource consumption but also on promoting thorough environmental governance, further pondering that implementing AI for sustainability calls for implementing effective approaches like SDM to encapsulate its implementation holistically. Dale and Newman (2009) studied the relationship between sustainability and affordability while focusing on housing projects in Canada and found that affordability is crucial for ensuring that sustainable housing projects become a success, it indicates that affordability is closely grounded in the social and economic aspect of sustainability by offering low-cost and socioeconomic equality-orientated approach.

The studies conducted by Folke et al. (2002), Fiksel (2006), Magis (2010), and Zeng et al. (2022) indicate that resilience and adaptability play a vital role in achieving sustainability and plays a vital role in bridging the social and environmental pillars of sustainability. Furthermore, Chaudhary et al. (2018), Ghisellini et al. (2016), Khan et al. (2022), Wan et al. (2022) showed through their studies that sustainability can be thoroughly achieved with a focus on environmental and economic pillars by ensuring availability of resources and their responsible consumption to ensure their long-term availability, i.e., indicating that availability plays a vital role in strengthening the economic and environmental pillars of sustainability.

The proposed concept of developing 3As model using SDM is novel in nature as compared to the existing literature on systems’ ecological sustainability. Amadei (2021) developed a systems dynamic model based on the dynamics and interconnectedness nature of nexus between sustainability and peace, indicating that peace being an imperative sustainability aspect, i.e., SDG-16, itself has a complex nature, calling for SDM to be applied for understanding varying inflows and outflows that needs to be addressed to achieving sustainability and peace. Furthermore, Chaudhary and Vrat (2018) conducted a study on gold recovery from mobile phones in India using SDM and highlighted the social, environmental, and economic benefits that can be achieved through this approach by providing strategic policy highlights and recommendations to achieve sustainability in India using gold recovery from mobile phones. Similarly, Dural-Selcuk and Vasilakis (2021) conducted a study to assess the sustainability of healthcare systems with regard to population ageing based on empirical data and indicated that SDM can be utilised in an effective manner to promote and achieve SDG-3, i.e., good health and well-being. However, these studies lack potential insights for providing a unilateral approach to understand sustainability from all three dimensions in a holistic manner.

Similarly, the study conducted by Francis and Thomas (2022b) focused on integrating Multi-Criteria Decision Modelling (MCDM) along with SDM for understanding sustainability-orientated policies and decision-making in the built environment. However, the study does not consider the human behaviour aspect and focuses solely on considering the built environment as a physical entity, further indicating a gap for introducing other quantitative factors to ascertain social sustainability through SDM and MCDM. Additionally, the study by Francis and Thomas (2022a) focused on Dynamic Lifecycle Sustainability Assessment (D-LCSA) using a case study of a residential project in India and found that disregarding the dynamic nature of factors impacting sustainability assessment of the built environment results in 50% and 12% error in sustainability and environmental impacts. However, the study only focuses on environmental factors and does not consider the social and economic factors due to non-availability of data and fails to address the gap of undertaking a comprehensive and holistic analysis of sustainability through all three dimensions.

Therefore, introducing another triplet “3As”, i.e., Availability, Affordability, and Adaptability into the existing triple bottom sustainability triangle, through SDM can be a significant contribution to achieving the devised targets set by the UN SDGs to be achieved by 2030. Policymakers and decision-makers can thoroughly seek systematic and in-depth insights from the application of SDM through the lens of the 3As approach towards sustainability to develop policies and interventions that are feasible, resilient, robust, befitting, and equitable, enabling a global and unanimous approach towards long-term sustainable development.

Section snippets

Three pillars of sustainability

Sustainability has become a popular concept in recent decades, attracting scholars and practitioners to ponder for better solutions. There are three pillars of sustainability i.e., social, economic and environmental also referred to as the triple bottom line (TBL) approach. Sustainability is the integration of these pillars in human life to preserve natural sources for the current and future generations. All of these pillars of sustainability are interconnected and each of them is very crucial


In order to develop the conceptual model of the 3As model, the conducted literature review suggested that SDM is a technique that is adopted extensively to model the interconnectivity relationships between the dynamic ecological systems components. SDM considers a system comprising a stock(s) and based on the available data of that particular stock, macro and micro flows effecting that stock are programmed and simulated. Ecological systems are dynamic but intertwined, disturbance in a single


The data analysis was grounded in the extensive literature review conducted by the researcher and supported by the application of the SDM. The in-depth analysis of the literature provided compelling insights into understanding the role of the 3As in strengthening the relationship between the three pillars of sustainability. Nevertheless, the findings of the data gathered are provided in Table 4, Table 5, Table 6 for adaptability, affordability, and availability with relevant inflows and


This conceptual study reveals that a triple bottom sustainability approach is required to be elaborated based on the interconnectivity between the sustainability triangle components. It is quite challenging to develop innovative solutions for the ecological systems without analysing the comprehensive relationship between the environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainability. Achieving sustainability goals are not justified by just focusing on environmental, economic and social


Sustainability triangle is a niche since the realisation of keeping the natural resources for future generations. Systems claiming as sustainable systems must be aligned with the three components of sustainability including social, economics and environmental aspects. Systems are dynamic and complex, it is required to manage this complexity by a comprehensive model which is not subjective. This study contributes to the existing literature of sustainability science with a new triplet in addition

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

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