
We republish this beautiful article written by David Bier and published by Cato Institute on November 14th, 2016  It is about the hot issue of immigration of the US and titled Nativists Created Our Immigration Problems-They Can’t Fix Them. The Cato Institute is an American think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C. It was founded in 1977: Wikipedia.


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Why this subject in MENA-Forum today, you might ask.  The answer would be simple and the current prevailing conjecture in the MENA could explain it very easily for without lengthily elaborating on the MENA some populations of oil-exporting and importing countries alike would most probably be currently going through a thin patch of dry not so green fields.  In view of the near to be confirmed trends, this is not likely in the close by future to diminish nor to be  reversed.  

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