
Architecture exists as a substantial part of our culture whilst creating the physical environment in which people live, work, enjoy life, etc. But architecture is more than just a historically developed culture.  It sadly resulted nowadays in an overbuilt “Built Environment” beside an oversaturated world of diverse artistic expressions. Meanwhile, is architecture the best art form?

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Is architecture the best art form?

In the Renaissance, there was a lively debate among artists and critics over which art form was the best. Cases were made for and against painting, sculpture, poetry, and music. To my mind, the debate is silly philosophically, but it is a fun and instructive exercise to compare the strengths and limitations of each art form.

So in that spirit, here is an entry in a series — the case for architecture made by a representative 17th-century character:

“Architecture embraces the other disciplines. It combines the severity of the law with the fascination of anatomy, the joy of poetry, the mystery of astronomy and the intellectual stimulus of philosophy. When you add the iron logic of mathematics, you have a profession which outstrips all others. An architect is at once an artist and a scientist. What could be nobler?”

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[Source: Edward Marston, character Christopher Redmayne speaking, The King’s Evil, p. 39.]

Related: Michael Newberry’s brief commentaries on major art-historical works.




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